
Elena Laura Gantner

Software Engineer

Ulm, Germany



About Me

I'm a software engineer living in Ulm, Germany.
My passions beside programming include video games, books and music.
In my freetime I also like to play board games and pen and paper RPGs


C++, Rust, Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript

CMake, Yocto, Bitbake, Systemd, DirectX, Vulkan,
PostreSQL, OracleSQL, SQLite, HTML, CSS

GNU/Linux, Windows (incl. WSL), MacOS

German (native), English (C2)

Work Experience

Software Engineer | Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation
July 2022 - Current

Focus on developing onboard components in C++
Responsibilities include:
- Design and Implementation of Linux services
- Integration of components in a Yocto Build Environment
- Setup of Docker Environment for local development
- Testing on target Hardware

Languages & Technologies:
- C++ 17/20
- CMake
- Yocto & Bitbake
- Docker
- gRPC
- Linux: Systemd, Apparmor, Sockets, ...

Backend Developer | Erste Digital
March 2020 - June 2022

Backend development of spring / spring-boot based microservices in Java.
Besides development tasks responsibilities include investigation of bugs / issues reported by our customers, configuration of OpenShift containers and minor operations tasks.

Internships | Leica Geosystems
2014 - 2019

2014: build infrastructure and automated testing
2015: static analysis for C++ in build and dev environment
2016: microcontroller app development in C# with WPF
2017: DSP microcontroller programming in C / Assembly
2018: AR prototype: Occlusion Correct Rendering
2019: AR prototype (cont.)


Vienna University of Technology
2016 - 2020

Visual Computing Master Degree (discontinued)

Vorarlberg University of Applied Science

Software Engineering Bachelor Degree

BG/BRG Bludenz


Personal Projects

This is a small list of hobby projects created purely in my free time to play with different technologies, languages and frameworks.
More can be found on my github page.


A basic rendering engine written in Rust using DirectX 11 as graphics API
Uses nVidia HBAO+ for ambient occlusion rendering.

Source code on github.com
Dev Utils

Simple webpage with developer utilities for personal use
Pages are rendered serverside with the server implemented in rust using rocket-rs with handlebars page templates.

Source code on github.com
Mud Saver

Savegame manager / backup tool for MudRunner and SnowRunner
Implemented in rust with embedded frontend using rocket-rs, handlebars and web-view.
Developed together with ThomCoder

Source code on github.com

Vulkan Render Engine written in C++ 17
This engine was created based on my project for the rendering engines course at Vienna Technical University.
It is not finished, but basic rendering functionality and pipelines are implemented.
Some lessons learned and architectural ideas were taken over to and improved on in the sparke-rs project, which is further advanced.

Source code on github.com